Tips for Helping Your Landscape Be More Drought Resistant

June 11, 2020

Water is essential to a garden. However, regions all throughout the United States have been impacted with times of dry spells or droughts at one point of time or another.

Wouldn’t it be pleasant if your nursery could withstand the dry periods but not let its plants succumb to the drought? Not only is it possible, but also part of an approach to ensure sustainable gardening, which incorporates strategies to save water and maintain an exquisite garden.

Given below are some excellent tips, shared by gardening experts to make your landscape more drought-resistant:

Gathering together plants having similar water requirements

A drought-tolerant nursery will have plants needing more water assembled toward the house where they can be watered without any problem. Close to the external territories of the landscape, more drought-resistant plants are planted close to one another.

Water them early in the morning

In all honesty, the hour of the day you water the plants can have a great impact on water conservation. By watering during the cooler hours of the morning, you can reduce water loss through evaporation. Abstain from watering towards the afternoon or evening, when the rate of evaporation is usually high. You should abstain from watering at night when the dampness can lead to fungal diseases.

Reduce the amount of grass in the landscape

A yard utilizes a lot of water – around 55 inches every year. Beds loaded up with perennials will utilize substantially less water and add a brilliant and inviting color to the landscape. If you opt to take out your whole lawn, there are several approaches to make a wonderful nursery that needs practically very little supplemental water.

Don’t forget to mulch

When you water plants, it starts to evaporate promptly from the surface of the soil. By including a layer of mulch, you help to confine the measure of water lost to the atmosphere. What’s more, mulching assists the soil to hold moisture as well as keeps it warm in winter and cool in summer. Organic mulch, for example, pine needles, leaf mulch, and shredded bark enrich the soil with nutrients too.

Let the grass grow longer

By letting your grass grow as tall as 3 inches, you can establish a share for the roots that would reduce evaporation. Apart from that, a greater mowing height would prevent the growth of weeds too.

Harvest rainwater

Instead of letting water from the rain runoff, harvest and utilize it for your garden judiciously. There are plenty of methods for harvesting rainwater, such as rain barrels, cisterns, or by making rain gardens.

If you are in need of professional property maintenance and landscaping services in Northern Virginia, make sure to get in touch with us right away.

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June 2020


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